Most recent 40 articles: Science Daily - Earth and Climate

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'Gap' in Carbon Removal: Countries' Plans to Remove CO2 Not Enough - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Acceptance of Animals in Urban Environments - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Atmosphere Surrounding Super-Earth? - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Climate Resilience Strategies in Urban, Rural Areas - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Damaging Impact of Heat Waves on Vital Organs - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Did a Magnetic Field Collapse Trigger the Emergence of Animals? - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Earth-Like Environment On Ancient Mars - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Efficacy of Solar Panels Boosted - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
EPA Underestimates Methane Emissions from Landfills, Urban Areas - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Free-Forming Organelles Help Plants Adapt to Climate Change - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
From Fossils to Fuel: Mozambique's Maniamba Basin's Energy Potential - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Getting Dirty to Clean Up the Chemical Industry's Environmental Impact - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Heavy Snowfall and Rain May Contribute to Some Earthquakes - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
How Climate Change Will Affect Malaria Transmission - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Human Activity Is Making It Harder for Scientists to Interpret Oceans' Past - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Ice Shelves Fracture Under Weight of Meltwater Lakes - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Lake Tsunamis Pose Significant Threat Under Warming Climate - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Limited Adaptability Makes Freshwater Bacteria Vulnerable to Climate Change - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Low-Energy Process for High-Performance Solar Cells - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Mystery Behind Huge Opening in Antarctic Sea Ice Solved - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Net Zero Plans Show Limited Climate Ambition on 'Residual' Emissions - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
New Discoveries About Jupiter - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
New Nevada Experiments Will Improve Monitoring of Nuclear Explosions - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Ocean Biodiversity Work Needs Improvement - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Path to Easier Recycling of Solar Modules - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Planet Glows With Molten Lava - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Plants Utilize Drought Stress Hormone to Block Snacking Spider Mites - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Roadmap to Close the Carbon Cycle - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Robots Invited to Help Make Wind Turbine Blades - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)
Sister Cities Can Help Communities Better Navigate the Climate Crisis - Science Daily - Earth and Climate  (May 24)