Most recent 40 articles: Yale Climate Connections - Security

(Click a 'down arrow' on the left to view an article's summary)
The surprising climate vulnerabilities of the world’s largest naval base - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Oct 25, 2023)
Wildfires could release radioactive particles from nuclear sites - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Aug 12, 2022)
Violence increases in hot weather. 'Cease-fire’ days could help. - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Aug 08, 2022)
The deadly connections between climate change and migration - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Jul 20, 2022)
Timely readings on global climate migration - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Jun 17, 2022)
Climate change is driving migration to U.S. and making it more dangerous - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (May 19, 2022)
Climate action, as patriotism - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 19, 2022)
The link between climate change and terrorism " Yale Climate Connections - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Nov 12, 2021)
Extreme weather is costing the military billions of dollars - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Jul 02, 2021)
Revitalized U.S. urgency on climate change and national security - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (May 06, 2021)
Some insightful background pieces on Bangladesh - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 08, 2021)
Flooding in low-lying Norfolk, Virginia, now a chronic problem - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Nov 26, 2020)
Global demand for U.S. military assistance increasing as weather grows more extreme - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Sep 24, 2020)
A transition to renewable energy will strengthen national security, Navy veteran says - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Sep 18, 2020)
The risk of gender-based violence grows after weather disasters - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Sep 10, 2020)
Fort Knox prepares for more extreme weather - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (May 07, 2020)
Admiral: Extreme weather harms national security - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 04, 2020)
How climate change influences immigration to the United States - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 04, 2020)
Military bases prepare for more extreme weather - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 04, 2020)
The military is interested in deploying renewable energy in combat zones - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 04, 2020)
Why climate change is a ‘threat multiplier’ - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 04, 2020)
How climate change influences immigration to the United States - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Dec 04, 2019)
Veteran urges other veterans to fight for the climate - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Nov 07, 2019)
A brief introduction to climate change and national security - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 06, 2019)
The long history of climate change security risks - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Apr 05, 2019)
Iraq vet aims to reduce oil dependency - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Jan 02, 2019)
Can climate change feed extremism? - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Dec 27, 2018)
Naval Academy readies for rising seas - Yale Climate Connections - Security  (Oct 09, 2018)