Most recent 40 articles: Climate Change News - Comment

(Click a 'down arrow' on the left to view an article's summary)
Relegating Africa to the world’s green mine is costing us - Climate Change News - Comment  (Sep 5)
To keep its profits, Big Oil stole our future - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jul 19)
Finance flowing for locally led climate adaptation - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jul 1)
Africa must reap the benefits of its energy transition minerals - Climate Change News - Comment  (May 21)
Oil drilling while in the Energy Charter Treaty is economically reckless - Climate Change News - Comment  (Feb 20, 2024)
Why Portuguese youth are suing European countries over wildfires - Climate Change News - Comment  (Sep 25, 2023)
Stop calling people ‘climate refugees’ - Climate Change News - Comment  (Sep 11, 2023)
G7 leaders must fulfil their promise to stop funding fossil fuels - Climate Change News - Comment  (May 18, 2023)
What’s at stake for climate at the World Bank’s spring meeting? - Climate Change News - Comment  (Apr 06, 2023)
Energy Charter Treaty exodus shows a global power shift - Climate Change News - Comment  (Nov 24, 2022)
The problem with The Bahamas’ blue carbon market plans - Climate Change News - Comment  (Aug 03, 2022)
Hali Hewa episode 1: Youth and women - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jun 15, 2022)
Deadly heatwaves show why India needs to get serious on climate adaptation - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jun 07, 2022)
Responses to Putin’s war risk impeding international cooperation on climate - Climate Change News - Comment  (Mar 25, 2022)
High-risk geoengineering technologies won’t reverse climate breakdown - Climate Change News - Comment  (Mar 01, 2022)
World Bank and IMF are courting big oil in debt-laden Suriname - Climate Change News - Comment  (Feb 17, 2022)
How the Glasgow Dialogue can deliver finance for victims of the climate crisis - Climate Change News - Comment  (Dec 20, 2021)
Finance must be the golden thread for climate diplomacy in 2022 - Climate Change News - Comment  (Dec 16, 2021)
The street and the boardroom are closer than they have ever been on climate - Climate Change News - Comment  (Nov 19, 2021)
Ending energy poverty need not come at the expense of a safe climate future - Climate Change News - Comment  (Nov 02, 2021)
Street vendors and garbage pickers need protection from climate extremes - Climate Change News - Comment  (Sep 29, 2021)
From obscurity to vital global service: Celebrating 10 years of Climate Home - Climate Change News - Comment  (Sep 17, 2021)
To close the climate ambition gap, we must look beyond national targets - Climate Change News - Comment  (Sep 09, 2021)
What makes a good net zero target? - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jun 23, 2021)
From Jerusalem to Glasgow, peacebuilding must address climate stressors - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jun 08, 2021)
What the IEA net zero roadmap means for businesses and governments - Climate Change News - Comment  (May 26, 2021)
Carbon removal experts support splitting “net zero” into twin targets - Climate Change News - Comment  (May 13, 2021)
The Biden-Harris administration can rebuild democracy and climate action - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jan 20, 2021)
Rich countries, remember your $100bn climate commitment to the world’s poor - Climate Change News - Comment  (Nov 30, 2020)
We need to talk about racism in the climate movement - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jun 30, 2020)
Coronavirus shows why we need an economy designed for wellbeing - Climate Change News - Comment  (Jun 08, 2020)