Most recent 40 articles: Climate Change News - Energy

(Click a 'down arrow' on the left to view an article's summary)
The demise of coal, as it turns out, is a lot of gas - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 13)
UN chief calls on governments to ban fossil fuel ads - Climate Change News - Energy  (Jun 5)
Louisiana communities are suffering from Japan-funded LNG exports - Climate Change News - Energy  (Apr 9)
Companies still missing in action on methane-cutting goals - Climate Change News - Energy  (Mar 18, 2024)
Fossil fuel industry under pressure to cut record-high methane emissions - Climate Change News - Energy  (Mar 13, 2024)
China steps away from 2025 energy efficiency goal - Climate Change News - Energy  (Mar 06, 2024)
Global energy-related CO2 emissions hit record high in 2023 – IEA - Climate Change News - Energy  (Mar 01, 2024)
Despite Cop28 pledge, France keeps fossil fuel subsidies for farmers - Climate Change News - Energy  (Feb 21, 2024)
Ecuador’s new president tries to wriggle out of oil drilling referendum - Climate Change News - Energy  (Feb 08, 2024)
Ten years on from Haiyan, Shell’s intimidation won’t silence me - Climate Change News - Energy  (Nov 29, 2023)
The Cop28 climate summit must set us free from fossil fuels - Climate Change News - Energy  (Nov 28, 2023)
Shades of green hydrogen: EU demand set to transform Namibia - Climate Change News - Energy  (Nov 15, 2023)
Indonesia delays coal closure plans after finance row with rich nations - Climate Change News - Energy  (Nov 02, 2023)
Rooftop solar panels offer fragile lifeline to besieged Gazans - Climate Change News - Energy  (Oct 31, 2023)
Saving the Three Basins means stopping fossil fuel expansion - Climate Change News - Energy  (Oct 26, 2023)
One million coal jobs face the axe globally by 2050 - Climate Change News - Energy  (Oct 10, 2023)
Capturing coal’s carbon can ease pain of India’s energy transition - Climate Change News - Energy  (Oct 05, 2023)
ADB set to launch first coal early retirement scheme in Indonesia - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 29, 2023)
Vietnamese climate activist jailed in ‘unjust’ government crackdown - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 28, 2023)
New IEA net zero report leaves big polluters less room to hide - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 27, 2023)
Sugar rush: how farmers spurred India’s G20 biofuels alliance - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 21, 2023)
Leaders must listen to the people and end fossil fuels - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 15, 2023)
Debt relief must break dependence on fossil fuel exports - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 13, 2023)
Why India is rebuffing a coal-to-clean deal with rich nations - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 13, 2023)
G20 leaders strike renewables deal, stall on fossil fuels - Climate Change News - Energy  (Sep 09, 2023)
EU puts Maroš Šefcovic in charge of climate policy - Climate Change News - Energy  (Aug 23, 2023)
Ecuadorians reject Amazon oil drilling in historic referendum - Climate Change News - Energy  (Aug 21, 2023)
Climate Home News seeks pitches on renewable energy supply chain - Climate Change News - Energy  (Aug 18, 2023)